Steve's Misery in the Gulf

chopper at heliport.jpg (25886 bytes) chopper leaving heliport.jpg (18613 bytes) chopper instruments in cockpit.jpg (44009 bytes) chopper instruments in cockpit 2.jpg (53020 bytes)
chopper landing on platform.jpg (38424 bytes) chopper leaving platform 2.jpg (36229 bytes) chopper leaving platform in air.jpg (24030 bytes) chopper leaving platform 3.jpg (28437 bytes)
chopper leaving platform far.jpg (28351 bytes) helipad view from chopper.jpg (41620 bytes) pilot in chopper.jpg (20435 bytes) platform in Gulf.jpg (27749 bytes)
Steve in chopper 1.jpg (20265 bytes) Steve in chopper 2.jpg (24453 bytes) Steve in chopper 3.jpg (23875 bytes) steve working on platform 2.jpg (31872 bytes)
steve working on platform 3.jpg (44236 bytes) steve working on platform 4.jpg (56449 bytes) steve working on platform 5.jpg (40400 bytes) steve working on platform.jpg (38302 bytes)
submarine.jpg (61252 bytes) supply boat tied to platform.jpg (71860 bytes) water view from platform.jpg (53638 bytes) well bay and well header area on platform.jpg (34571 bytes)
well bay water at MARS-TLP platform.jpg (72966 bytes) Will work for chopper ride.jpg (21385 bytes) dolphins.jpg (54971 bytes) small platform view from chopper.jpg (36906 bytes)
flare on fire.jpg (41071 bytes) flare on fire 2.jpg (38527 bytes) flare on fire 3.jpg (44396 bytes) flare on fire 4.jpg (28998 bytes)
flare on fire 5.jpg (35387 bytes) leg of Mars-TLP platform.jpg (61820 bytes) landing area from chopper.jpg (48892 bytes) marsh land from chopper.jpg (33846 bytes)
marsh land from chopper 2.jpg (29646 bytes) small platform view from chopper 2.jpg (44457 bytes) small platform view from chopper 3.jpg (50126 bytes) small platform view from chopper 4.jpg (26082 bytes)
small TLP view from chopper.jpg (59837 bytes) sleeping quarters.jpg (38003 bytes) platform in Gulf.jpg (27749 bytes) Ray and Dave in chopper.jpg (19265 bytes)
high pressure skid in shop.jpg (53859 bytes) high pressure skid on platform.jpg (71358 bytes) lifeboats on platform.jpg (38515 bytes) pilot in chopper.jpg (20435 bytes)